It is indeed good news that DIGI-locker launched by the government has crossed 1 million users as of 24th november,2015. Visit the site to know more. Latest statistics show that the number of users is 1011787 and 1176821 documents have been uploaded.
Other initiatives of the Digital India campaign like eHospital online registration system(ORS) have also started to be increasingly used. Indian patients have traditionally been shortchanged by the government medicare system. With government hospitals overflowing with patients and a steady stream of people getting in/out to inquire or seek appointment. Now, they can book an appointment with a doctor at any of the premier government hospitals from their homes. Visit this site to know more. Latest statistics show that there are 14 number of hospitals on the portal, appointments taken today stands at 409, total online appointments at 92905, e-Hospital
New patient's Appointments Taken Today at 4669, e-Hospital
Followup patient's Appointments Taken Today at 3715, e-Hospital
Total Appointments since 1st July 2015 at 917477. The numbers in the site need a bit of explanation to understand but since the last time i visited the site a few weeks back the number of appointments has grown by leaps and bounds. It was somewhere around 80k appointments and after three weeks i see the number has zoomed to 917k.
Biometric attendance in government departments has taken off to a great start. 612 organizations are onboard and with 170106 registered employees and 78335 present today, 4507 active devices today. Visit this site for the latest. The attendance of government employees will be slowly expanded to include all departments of the government.
National Scholarship portal at the site here is a must visit site for meritorious students from backward castes and minorities. Latest statistics show 7 departments/ministries on board using the site with 19 registered schemes and 1138 registered boards/universities and 8468953 total temporary registrations and 6828397 completed applications submitted out of which 3934310 completed applications submitted with aadhaar.
Digitize India platform is a program where government departments after scanning the documents to be digitized can take it to the final conclusion step where documents image is converted to text. The slogan here is "pixel to text" and volunteers with aadhaar can register and earn points. These points can then be redeemed for cash which gets deposited in their aadhaar linked bank account. Visit this site for the latest news. Statistics from this site say that there are 261439 Documents with 2415448 Snippets out of which 2119267 are Digitized and there are as of now 14088 contributors.
Finally the My Gov website has a cool interface and conducts several contests and actively seeks suggestions from the people in the running of the government. Here is the site. Statistics show that there are 1.58Million
Registered Members of MyGov and 155.16K
Tasks and 1.29Million
Discussion Themes. I have recently suggested in the MyGov site that the government should
set targets to every department and depute resources to oversee
digitization. If needed they should also take help of volunteers such as
engineering college students who want to do internship. I have also suggested to the same site that the
government should reveal the identity of those employees who are
habitually flouting rules regarding attendance in office.
This is definitely not the end of the list. It is just to show you how a beginning has been made. There is talk of launching a dashboard depicting all the progress happening with real-time statistics from government departments. Such an open and transparent system would go a long way in creating confidence among people and people may draw comfort in the improving government services. I also happened to visit a site which does data visualization of government statistics and presents statistics in an easy to understand manner.
Just the other day i read news about blood banks being mandated to reveal statistics of daily blood availability in a portal. Human milk banks are being launched across states where infants could be given nourishment in case they do not receive it from their mothers. Small steps like these have endeared the new government with the people. Saw a dashboard of the rural electrification progress, dashboard of employees provident fund and several other organizations. Conclusion is that India has started dashing towards the finish line.
This is my earlier post on the digital India theme.... =>
Just the other day i read news about blood banks being mandated to reveal statistics of daily blood availability in a portal. Human milk banks are being launched across states where infants could be given nourishment in case they do not receive it from their mothers. Small steps like these have endeared the new government with the people. Saw a dashboard of the rural electrification progress, dashboard of employees provident fund and several other organizations. Conclusion is that India has started dashing towards the finish line.
This is my earlier post on the digital India theme.... =>