A matter of utmost urgency is to give strength to the aadhaar project. Instead activists have been able to weaken the project by the following ways.
1) Misleading people into multiple registrations.
2) Making people fear for privacy and consequently people were unwilling to divulge their mobile number and email id in their enrollment. Hence it has become difficult for such people to update their demographic data.
3) In DBTL lobbying for cash transfers even without aadhaar linking and hence giving scope for corruption.
4) Suggesting simpler authentications like mobile OTP instead of biometric authentication which can cause the project to be imperiled and that may be misused for corrupt purposes.
5) Going hammer and tongs against the very foundation of the project and trying to declare it unconstitutional, illegal and dangerous.
6) Without any sense of conscience the opponents are just about making one after another inconsistent arguments. First they argue that aadhaar number will not be universal and people will be excluded. Then change tack and say "Each and Every person is being given an aadhaar without proper verification" and it has become free for all. Which suggests that some people should not be given aadhaar which contradicts universality principle/inclusion objectives.
7) They accuse that it would be a privacy violation if aadhaar keeps track of the location/address of a person; on the other hand they want aadhaar to be accurately used as an address proof. In fact they even want aadhaar to keep track of all past addresses of a person. It baffles me as to how aadhaar can be used as an address proof without it storing address of the person. Some fear that it may be used to locate whereabouts of persons, but conveniently forget that it is apps like facebook/uber/ola etc that keep a check on your whereabouts and not some overzealous govt employee who is out to profile you.
7) They accuse that it would be a privacy violation if aadhaar keeps track of the location/address of a person; on the other hand they want aadhaar to be accurately used as an address proof. In fact they even want aadhaar to keep track of all past addresses of a person. It baffles me as to how aadhaar can be used as an address proof without it storing address of the person. Some fear that it may be used to locate whereabouts of persons, but conveniently forget that it is apps like facebook/uber/ola etc that keep a check on your whereabouts and not some overzealous govt employee who is out to profile you.
8) Another inconsistency in the opponents arguments is about digital lockers. First they say people should not be denied any benefit for want of aadhaar card and then add that digital lockers are being given to only people with aadhaar. Even a first standard student understands that the concept of digital locker is like any other service such as google drive or dropbox that is served from the cloud and used to backup files. What stops these morons from using such services without requiring aadhaar.
9) On the one hand they fear being tracked for purchases of rations and on the other express sadness at the poor aadhaar seeding in databases. So much so that they want both aadhaar seeding percentage to increase and aadhaar should be kept voluntary all the while.
10) On the one hand they say aadhaar based DBT does not work and on the other hand concede that only 30-50% of the transfers are aadhaar based and conclude that aadhaar based DBT is a failure.
11) On the one hand they fear about the excessive powers of the govt in tracking money flows and on the other hand express frustration at the slow speed with which databases are being inter-linked. Even going to the extent of proclaiming that aadhaar cannot be used to reduce black money in the economy. If the govt does haste, they criticize that and if it is slow in some way they criticize that too.
9) On the one hand they fear being tracked for purchases of rations and on the other express sadness at the poor aadhaar seeding in databases. So much so that they want both aadhaar seeding percentage to increase and aadhaar should be kept voluntary all the while.
10) On the one hand they say aadhaar based DBT does not work and on the other hand concede that only 30-50% of the transfers are aadhaar based and conclude that aadhaar based DBT is a failure.
11) On the one hand they fear about the excessive powers of the govt in tracking money flows and on the other hand express frustration at the slow speed with which databases are being inter-linked. Even going to the extent of proclaiming that aadhaar cannot be used to reduce black money in the economy. If the govt does haste, they criticize that and if it is slow in some way they criticize that too.
Finally the opposition for aadhaar comes from elderly people who understand privacy but not technology. Also from people who don't seem to care too much about corruption. I mean "I know it exists but i don't bother much about it as long as it does not affect me" kind of attitude.