India was once a country renowned for a variety of products such as cotton,spices,textiles,gems and jewellery. A brief period in the history,when we were ruled by the British, caused a lot of suffering and misery in our country-men's lives. We came to be known as a third world country and our country was plundered and looted of the many riches that people owned. After about sixty years of independence we have now almost completely erased the memories of this brief episode of poverty.
It comes as no surprise that now personal computers are being assembled in our country not only for domestic consumption but also for exports. Indeed we have come a long way now that our country is in no way a third world country and on the way to get a developed status. The pace of development seems to amaze everyone. Our people were unsure of their next meal just a few decades back. It is with bated breath that i am awaiting to see the poverty levels fall below 20% in India (currently at 26%). Now we are self sufficient in agriculture. But we have a few issues that need to be tackled well. It will be a challenge to anyone who will be running the affairs to steer the country out of problems of inflation, food scarcity and law and order. It is also thrilling to see India making a mark in the computer field and also our country launching a mission to the moon which finds water there. Many predict that the world will have serious energy crisis with petroleum stocks ending soon.
World population is at a very high level and this might not be sustainable. Eight to nine billion people in the next ten to thirty years might be too near the tipping point for any comfort. There might be mass starvation and deaths in case alternate sources of energy do not fulfill the demand. Global warming in all likelihood is true and we are already experiencing the fallout of this. Sea waves are expected to eat away a large part of the shorelines of almost all countries. Acid rain will reduce fertility, depleting ground water will cause desertification and reducing forest cover will increase temperatures.
With such a bleak future humanity has to steer on a narrow path. A mistake will be catastrophic. Urgent action needs to be taken to save the forests. Developed countries have exploited forest cover in poor countries while keeping their own forests untouched. Developing countries should stand up to this exploitation and ban export of timber. We should also make efforts to reduce our population growth. We should reduce our reliance on ground water by conserving rain water. Electric vehicles should be encouraged. A planned phase out of fossil fuel should be coordinated worldwide. Rich and poor countries should unite in their efforts to contain global warming. One way for that will be to reduce demand for product shipment by locating manufacturing plants near to the market.This would have a side effect in reducing the income disparities between the rich and the poor. Mahatma Gandhi's vision of small scale industries might come true as transportation costs increase.
India has a great future because we are a country of hard working people. We have the demographic dividend of a relatively young population and we are going to be the second largest country in terms of GDP in the year 2050.